I cannot express how life enhancing Adventure TEAM Challenge by World T.E.A.M. Sports has been for me. My TEAMmates become life mates. I have so much love, respect, and care for all the competitors, volunteers, and organizers…
What takes place during ATC is so beautiful, I wish it could be bottled up and spread around the world. People from all degrees of life coming together, working in unison, developing a blood-sweat-and-laughter bond.

I learned a while ago that I’d rather be inspired than impressed. There is inspiration in every ATC turn. It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever done in my life… and I’ve done a lot of cool sh*t!

Thank you everyone who helped make ATC 2018 happen. Without your donations, this magic wouldn’t take place, so make sure you watch the video below. The TEAM crossing the finish line in the video had a wheelchair athlete and a visually impaired athlete on their team. Hiking, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, climbing, rappelling… these are all just one more obstacle they overcame together as a TEAM – with inspiration at every turn!