All posts by PJ Walsh

Known as one of the hardest working comics behind the microphone, PJ brings everything to the stage at every show. He truly leaves it all on the stage for his audience. His combination of insightful writing, quick wit, boundless energy and physicality make him an outstanding performer in any comedy venue.

Veterans Day 2012

Someone asked me once “what is it about being a Veteran you value the most?” Simple – Other veterans. Past, present & future. Service to our country is not an act that is going to make you famous, get you rich or really even at the end of the day get you a “thank you.” It’s a selfless choice where you rely on the individuals around you and they on you. An oath, a person’s word, a sense of responsibility and accountability that I seldom see in the world. I’m in the entertainment business where “image” is everything. Most of the time when you pull back those images you don’t find honesty, integrity & truth. That’s why the truly guenuine people go unseen. Those are the people I love, respect & cherish. They allow my “full of shit” at times self to shine in the spotlight. I got to be part of the group for a minute and the opportunity to be around those people and learn those lessons is what I value the most.

Patrick J. Walsh (United States Navy 1990 – 1996)

The Tappan Zee Bridge

‎3:02AM – Sitting in my car on the Tappan Zee Bridge (NY) in dead stopped traffic because it’s one lane do to work being done to it. In 1996 I dated a girl on this side of the bridge & when I left her house to go home I would sit in dead stopped traffic here on the Tappan Zee Bridge for hours do to construction being done on it. 16 years, 3 Presidents & 2 wars… later. There is one thing I know will always be consistent throughout my lifetime. They will never finish working on the Tappan Zee F#cking Bridge!

Change Is Possible!

Met a man tonight 38 days sober who told me he just had a tattoo removed from his FACE of a swastika! My response “That’s a conversation starter! Why would you get rid of that?”  This joke opened up one of the most honest dialogues I have had with an individual in a very long time. – Here’s to anyone in the fight of not letting mistakes from the past dictate the future. “Who you were, who you are and who you will become are three completely different people.” Robert Tew