All posts by PJ Walsh

Known as one of the hardest working comics behind the microphone, PJ brings everything to the stage at every show. He truly leaves it all on the stage for his audience. His combination of insightful writing, quick wit, boundless energy and physicality make him an outstanding performer in any comedy venue.


Last night I did a show at a cabin in the woods for 14 Purple Heart recipients who were on a weekend hunting retreat. I feel like I’ve done pretty much every kind of show, but this was my very first just standing in a living room next to a warm fireplace while a group of burly dudes in camo spread out rounds of ammo as they sat at a kitchen table or living room chairs.
As a performer I’d say the “conditions” were not the best. Ha. As a person I was truly inspired by my audience. They could not have been cooler to some guy (me) who showed up, stood up and started talking. Trust me they’d much rather had a stripper and I completely agreed she’d have been a more welcomed performance. But good luck getting a woman to drive over an hour into a mountain to meet a bunch of dudes in a cabin… even I was getting a Deliverance vibe by the tail end of my travels.

I’ve noticed over the years that the performances that mean the most to me are the ones that have me really thinking on my way home. The ones that stay with me, make me ponder, and possibly help me grow somehow. Last night I witnessed a group of men bust their asses to take care of a group of men who’d risk their asses with consequence. The hosts were determined to make sure these guys were having a great time. The guys themselves all smiled, laughed, gave each other and myself sh*t while being polite, fun and thankful. That doesn’t happen everyday.
I say this often: The world I see presented in front of me on/in the news or social media is not the one I experience. It’s a pity that anger and harsh opinions are more likely to infect our society’s information cycle than to create inspiration and thoughtfulness. Because my drive home last night was filled with the latter and it’s one I won’t forget for all the right reasons.
Thank you, gentlemen.


Recently I’ve noticed a great deal more anger online. I myself feel angry about many things that are going on in the world, so I decided to share a little something about myself in honor of the holidays and inspired by someone I love and respect.

I had lunch with my sister, wee cute niece, father, aunt and uncle the other day. The same uncle who fought back from the brink of death. Between many great conversations and laughs, my aunt said to me, “your cousin Jack wants to know why you never wear a NY Yankees hat while you are touring.” This question made complete sense to me as a born and raised New Yorker who, like my cousin, has been a Yankees fan since birth. I do wear a ball-cap quite frequently. Rarely on stage because I feel it can block out light on my face and I still have hair…even though it’s grey, it’s still there! On most occasions the second I get off stage the cap goes on, when traveling the cap goes on, and I do have my reasons for the ball-cap I choose.

I wear a few variations of an Orange Syracuse trucker hat. I never went to Syracuse University or lived in Syracuse, NY. All three of my sisters lived there at some point. One of my brother-in-laws got his law degree there and met my sister while she lived there. My other two brother-in-laws grew up there. I have been to countless games, holidays, parades, and festivals in Syracuse. Three of my nieces are being raised there. All four of my nephews, despite being raised in Connecticut, bleed Orange. There is not a member of my family that can get away with a Syracuse-attire-free Christmas. I’ve never shared this part (because I have no judgment for those who drink) but… my very last drink happen to be a pint of Guinness with my brother-in-law and sister after a Syracuse game at Madison Square Garden. We sat in a restaurant eating dinner and having drinks. At one point I looked around at the table and realized I could not be happier. It’s a great realization, to be happy and in the moment. I’m not always. But there was still something I disliked about myself. Then I took a gaze at my pint of Guinness and heard a voice in my head say “this is a fine way to end this part of my life… this will be my last pint.” No announcement, statement, declaration or program. That was 8 or 9 years ago. I don’t think my brother-in-law or sister even know any of this history of my not drinking. But it’s not the city, games, not drinking or school, it’s family. When I see the color orange (Syracuse), I think of my family.

I told my aunt I wear a Syracuse hat because I’m away from my family a great deal. Comedians travel for a living. That’s part of the job and it can get lonely out there. I wear the hat because it makes me feel close to my family when I’m not, think of them from afar, and always keeping them with me. Also orange is the color of optimism. My aunts reply… “Well, that’s actually very nice,” then she laughed.

May your own family provide as much happiness, care, strength and guidance inside of you this holiday season and many more to come.

Much Love, Peej

Gazientip, Turkey


Being a Veteran for me is a constant knowledge that out there right at this moment service members are in harm’s way, living in discomfort, far from home and those they love. Individuals who’ve made an oath and sacrifices and shoulder/execute the unimaginable. It’s seeing my own young eyes wearing a uniform. Taking to heart the ideals of this country and loyalty of friends who’ve come together from all walks of life. Being aware that innocence shatters, pain builds and help may be needed. With age you realize the value of life because you’ve lived one. Early on mine was shaped in a uniform, driven by an oath and forged by lifelong friendships. It’s been a pretty solid run. Thank you those who came before me, served with me and will follow after me. You are in my blood, my heart, and my mind. I’m a United States Military Veteran.