Tag Archives: United States


Jhony Wonder my old friend, Navy shipmate & brother in making sure people have smiles. You had to call me out! SOB! OK… Damn! Since you called me out! There are so many variables that lead up to these instances. Weapon access, mental illness, drugs, political views, economy, isolation, laws… I mean it’s like the old pictures/movie of telephone operators with a billion plugs and lines in front of them.

I will just say this coming from someone who has not been directly affected… I worked in the White House and Camp David when Oklahoma City bombing occurred. I witnessed 1st hand the shutting down of Pennsylvania Ave (since) as a result of that horrible act. I watched the way security changed as a result… it got much much tighter. You were Yankee White (very high) clearance or vetted to get on the grounds. Before that I think you could have walked up and said “I’d like to see the President,” and got in.

While I was there a guy got off 29 shots at the White House in October 1994 from Penn Ave w/ an SKS. A man also crashed a plane into the White House that same year… they said it was a dramatic suicide and he had a history of alcohol and drug problems, I was also there when they shot and killed a homeless man brandishing a knife, and then when a guy scaled the W.H. fence w/a 38 revolver (who studied for a doctorate in psychology) and was shot in the arm and the bullet bounce off his bone hitting a secret service agent. These all took place in the couple years I was at The White House.

I also worked security at The Holocaust museum at the same time. No metal detectors were in place when I was there. A month did not go by without some B.S. going down. I had to pretty much drag a disrespectful skinhead out of the reflecting room with some guys once… then in 2009 a museum police officer was shot and killed at the Holocaust museum.

I also grew up very close to Newtown, CT. I was glued to the news and my Facebook wall every moment of that day. It affected my community directly. Teachers left the school my mother worked in to see if their kids attending Newtown where ok, I read posts on my Facebook wall between friends updating how families I know were, my sister saw old schoolmates of ours on TV… fortunately no friends of mine lost anyone. But… I wrestled Newtown kids as a kid myself; I dated a girl from there… I went to the movie theatre there.

I go into movie theaters almost weekly. Shootings took place there as well now… they also took place in Post offices, Fast Food restaurants, hair salons, beer distributers…. stabbings occurred in parks (a lot in my home of NY growing up), parking lots… they found a bomb in my hometown local mall sometime in the mid 90’s and brought it to a airport runway and it f*cking blew up! The Olympics in Atlanta (Which at the time I was going to work at but my girlfriend insisted I stay in NY because she had a very bad feeling… she begged me. True story… that gal broke my heart but might have saved my life).

These are just horrible occurrences that come to mind that I felt close to in a way… myself directly have been very fortunate. Although over the years I have directly seen and feel the results of every war that has taken place since I’ve been on this earth. That is another conversation.

When I was a child I remember a little boy who went missing in Florida named “Adam Walsh“… my last name is Walsh… I never had a brother and his father looked just like mine. I as a kid watched what story unfold everyday… he was found dead. There was no happy ending. A kid who looked like me, same last name was gone… no reason really… just evil. His father went on obviously to do amazing things. I think… since you asked.

I think that’s the very best thing we can do. Go on to try and to get/do things better in our own yard. With our kids, friends and communities. Politics always comes down to money… make no mistake about that. It’s always about the dollar! My father taught me that! But on the level we function. We shake each other’s hands, give a needed hug, lend an ear. This stuff has always been happening. Bad people will always exist.

Presently we have a billion times more communication, voices and vocal opinions. The media has never been responsible. The phrase “If it bleeds it leads” was not created recently. Now we have 24 hour news channels competing with each other, newspapers competing with online bloggers, bloggers, Vines, Facebook updates, tweets… which EVERYONE can access and EVERYONE can put an opinion into motion, sensationalize and find enough people out there to agree with them.

I am a comedian… I always say, “If I can get just 1% of this country to be a fan of me… I would be set for life” Just 1%! I have performed in every venue imaginable… coffee house, youth hostels, comedy clubs, theaters, arenas, flat beds in war zones … even on stage in Iraq with incoming… in the back of my mind I have this voice saying… “Progression”… it’s only a matter of time until a gun, bomb or knife enters a comedy club or venue… because post offices, fast food joints, movie theaters, schools, malls and work places have been done.

Evil has always been here and evil will always progress! Like we do. When you watch the news, read Internet posts and take in the way things are covered now. You would think this is how it is. We can’t go to work, movies, and school… It’s not. I travel the world constantly! The good towers over the bad… I SEE IT ALMOST EVERY DAY! It’s not as sexy, eye catching and appealing to talk, write or cover. Think of the numbers of years, people and places and how many instances that have occurred. We are so much better then we are not. These are horrible tragedies and we should absolutely bust our ass’s to prevent them. But they are tiny in comparison to how people truly function.

But like anything… we can always do better. So I’m going to make people laugh, be a good brother, son, uncle and a decent reliable friend to everyone while I am here. I will continue to try getting more recognition and assistance for our veterans and mostly appreciate every day and person in my world. I don’t always… days like Monday at The Washington Navy Yard remind me to. I wish they didn’t and never happen. But they do and will… So being the best me is all I can control. Maybe that will have a positive effect. I am also fully aware that my outlook could drastically change if such senseless tragedy directly impacts me. It’s our experience’s that shape us.

I will never pretend to know how I would deal with such pain. Much luv… Peej

An Email From A Soldier

The media has been covering a few stories lately that has put individuals in our armed forces in a bad light. In every large organization there are bad elements. These are humans. I by no means condone the actions I have been reading about. Just want people to remember the United States Armed Forces is a very large group of people. These stories are just a tiny number in the scale of brave people who serve. I know this because I served & spend a lot of time with people that currently do.  I have found a few meat-heads on occasion. Much like the “real” world. But for the very most part they are thoughtful, caring & brave people who stand for something. They stand next to each other when called upon. Now the people that make the called upon decision… Not a fan!

 I open my email inbox and this happened…

Subject: Hey From (MAJ)
Hey, you may not remember me but you performed an amazing show at Dogwood Iraq in 2005. Yep, I know it’s been very long time. Since then I’ve been deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 and now, I’m back in Afgahnistan for another deployment.
Hope all is going well with you. I have this saying, “You meet people in life for a reason” in most cases it’s just to meet…. but you never forget them. You’re a person I will never forget.
Best wishes, 
Somehow whenever my mind strays off into the what I haven’t done, what I don’t have … all that just useless way of thinking. The universe sets me straight with how blessed I am. What an amazing life I live. “You meet people in life for a reason” goes both ways. Thank you Major! I also will never forget. I will also never forget this represents who serves our country. Great individuals like the major. I’m not an “armchair quarterback” with opinions achieved by reading & watching the news. I have been there. In the media they say “if it bleeds it leads”. The truth is not as selling. Good people willing to risk their lives for us.  Sad that is not a top story daily.

Memorial Day 2010 – God Bless All Who Serve.

For love of country they accepted death... ~James A. Garfield

I served from 1990-1995. The 1st Gulf War took place on our watch. That time period defined my life, after having only a slight glimpse into the horrors of war. Since then, I have taken a number of trips back over to bring a little bit of humor to our service members. I feel I have to. I am no longer in, but I still have my duty. I still have my sense of family with those in uniform.

Today I see through the eyes of a thirty-something man, who feels somewhere along the line I got lucky in my youth, like I missed a bullet on my watch. Empathy for our service members past and present is with me constantly. The military is where I became a man. Where I gained the tools to achieve anything I set my mind to. Where I got my very best friends, who remain so to this very day. Individuals who don’t know how to leave you when times seem impossible. Part of me wishes I could stand side by side with our brave service members today, but another part of me would be asking many questions regarding the situation we are currently in. I feel each of those sides has come with age, and my cherished experiences with the type of individuals who would be at my side.

There was a point when I had to take a break from going over. I had seen too much & my mind had to really sort all of it out. I had taken trips every summer to Iraq & Afghanistan starting back in the spring of 2004. Then in August of 2007 I found myself on a ship in the middle of the Persian Gulf – again – this time not a sailor, but a comedian. I was with my great friend and fine comedian Dan Smith, standing on the deck of a Naval LPD Ship, taking in the sunset. I remember he said to me, “This is the same ship you were on when you were here in the Persian Gulf… that is insane! Now you are going to do comedy for these sailors… Do you realize how amazing that is? You must feel so proud Peej.” I replied, ”I’m not, Dan. It’s odd? I feel no pride whatsoever. I feel sad. I was here on a ship just like this one, in this same exact place when I was 19 years old. Young people lost their lives. I am here again at 35 and even more young people are losing their lives? I know I have grown… apparently we haven’t.”

I returned again to entertain our troops and sailors this past Christmas 2009. I know they put the uniform on for all of us faceless, nameless Americans. I know how genuinely special that is. I truly with every fiber of my being thank them and love them! Wherever they go, wherever they are stationed, I will show up with my bag of humor, and, just as important, be here for them when this all hopefully ends. We have to be! God Bless All Who Serve!

The following is a beautiful Memorial Day Poem

When I’m Gone –  by Mrs. Lyman Hancock

When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile,
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile.

Forget unkind words I have spoken;
Remember some good I have done.
Forget that I ever had heartache
And remember I’ve had loads of fun.

Forget that I’ve stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought some hard battles
And won, ere the close of the day.

Then forget to grieve for my going,
I would not have you sad for a day,
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay,

And come in the shade of evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best.