Tag Archives: Comics On Duty

THANKFUL FOR SILENT PROTECTORS: My Country Music Convoy Through Iraq

 The latest Episode of the Comic Relief series I do for Military.com was just posted. I want to share “the story behind the story” on this one. I feel it’s fitting today because I’m very thankful for it.

The soldier in this story, Micah, isn’t just a friend, a veteran, a Airman, a PTSD fighter/survivor, and a hero, he is someone who I know for a FACT saved my life. I am here able to write these words right now because of his selfless actions. And I know he gives it very little thought, because it’s just how he’s built.

I often say my favorite audience member is someone I got to entertain overseas in a war zone now back home safe sitting, laughing, blended in amongst the rest. Think about that for a second. When you go to a concert, attend church, support your children’s school function and so on… You may be sitting next to a man or woman much like my friend Micah, silent protectors shouldering life’s often-harsh realities.

Micah In The Middle

It was an eight-hour (give or take) convoy through Iraq in 2005, hot, tense, funny & very real. Fellow comedian Reno Collier and I stared out the windows taking in rare visions and listening to extremely sad country music. Once outside our humvee when we arrived safely in Kuwait, we could see the cracked window from the small arms fire we took on our trip. Micah said “soooo… you’re not supposed to see that… yeah… that was fun.” Nervous laughter followed by all.

How do you thank someone who saved your life? Including someone in a story is my way of showing how grateful I am for them. When asked, “what’s your comedy about?” my reply is “family, friends and life experiences,” all of which mean the world to me.

This is just one person, one example, one story about the type of person we need to be very thankful for: selfless heroes.

The story in this video below is pretty damn funny. Enjoy!  

When I Get To See A Hero Laugh At Home

Last nights second show was the closest thing I’ve had to that feeling you get as a kid on Christmas morning. The lead up, excitement and joy. This happens to me every time I know a Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Airmen who I had the opportunity to entertain in Iraq or Afghanistan comes to see me here back home. Knowing they made it back and I get to see them HERE ALIVE! Nothing in my life has this kind of significance, importance and is as internally powerful. The joy is completely fueled by relief. In some cases seeing them can/has been difficult. Life back home is far from easy for a good number of our heroes. But seeing them, shaking their hand & sharing that manly or womanly hug let’s me know whatever fight they may be having at least it’s here on the home front now. My respect, friendship, support and loyalty will never waver and is always accessible. I grew up with only sisters. Who undoubtedly bring my life’s biggest joys. In a way I have always searched for a brother… I have found many. In life, the military and even the entertainment world. What is life without true bonds between humans? Just wandering I would think. I have been fortunate to never wander. Which brings me to last night. My friend here is named Micah Clifton. We met in Iraq where he was in charge of keeping myself and the other comedians safe. I bonded with Micah tighter then any other service member over all my years. I have zero doubt it was do to his great sense of humor that complimented an incredible professionalism. His job was to keep us ignorant, safe & clear of the possible dangers that could and did come upon us. He was/is simply the BEST I have ever encountered at giving you a smile that tricked you into thinking everything is fine. I know this because since he’s been out I have gotten the “let me tell you what was REALLY happening THAT DAY talk”.  When I tell you it takes a truly special kind of person to be able to navigate situation like those. Please understand my words here can never do his courage justice. Micah is one example of so many men and woman who under our colors function in ways most could never even comprehend and they hope you never do. Micah’s just one story, he’s my protector, my Christmas morning… My Brother! You made it f*cking back! Will love you till my final breath!

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